49, 4 (2018)
Romanticism, Now & Then
- Bruce Holsinger and Andrew Stauffer, “Introduction”
- Anahid Nersessian, “Romantic Difficulty”
- James Chandler, “The Question of Sensibility”
- Marlene L. Daut, “‘Nothing in Nature is Mute’: Reading Revolutionary Romanticism in L’Haïtiade and Hérard Dumesle’s Voyage dans le nord d’Hayti (1824)”
- Virginia Jackson, “‘Our Poets’: William Cullen Bryant and the White Romantic Lyric”
- Tristram Wolff, “Being Several: Reading Blake with Ed Roberson”
- Holly Watkins, “Romantic Musical Aesthetics and the Transmigration of Soul”
- Jerome McGann, “Romantic Subjects and Iambic Laws: Episodes in the Early History of Contract Negotiations”
- Cordula Grewe, “The Arabesque from Kant to Comics”
49, 3 (2018)
Summer 2018
- Brian McGrath, “Understating Poetry”
- Omri Moses, “Poetry and the Environmentally Extended Mind”
- Benjamin Mangrum, “Audre Lorde, Theodor Adorno, and the Administered Word”
- Brian Gingrich, “Pace and Epiphany”
- Tess McNulty, “Literary Ethics, Revisited: An Analytic Approach to the Reading Process”
- Laura Hughes, “In the Library of Jacques Derrida: Manuscript Materiality after the Archival Turn”
- Julian Hanich, “Great Expectations: Cinematic Adaptations and the Reader’s Disappointment”
49, 2 (2018)
On Kwame Anthony Appiah
- Jahan Ramazani, “Appiah’s Identities: An Introduction”
- Kwame Anthony Appiah and Homi Bhabha, “Cosmopolitanism and Convergence”
- Susan Stanford Friedman, “Cosmopolitanism, Religion, Diaspora: Kwame Anthony Appiah and Contemporary Muslim Women’s Writing”
- Werner Sollors, “Cosmopolitan Curiosity in an Open City: Notes on Reading Teju Cole by way of Kwame Anthony Appiah”
Appiah’s Keywords
- Ananya Jahanara Kabir, “Tradition”
- yasser elhariry, “Temporality”
- Marie Ostby, “Cosmopolitanism”
- Adam Etinson, “Conversation”
- Robert Gooding-Williams, “‘Du Bois’ / ‘Race’”
- Ranjana Khanna, “Stranger”
49, 1 (2018)
Winter 2018
On Cavell
- Niklas Forsberg, “Carver, Cavell, and the Uncanniness of the Ordinary”
- Chiara Alfano, “Toward an Ordinary Language Psychoanalysis: On Skepticism and Infancy”
- Matthew Rubery, “Ulysses, Blindness, and Accessible Modernism”
- Kimberly Quiogue Andrews, “Trade Secrets: Poetry in the Teaching Machine”
- Wendy Veronica Xin, “Reading for the Plotter”
- Dennis Yi Tenen, “Toward a Computational Archaeology of Fictional Space”
- Ross Wilson, “The Hidden Seeds of Survival: Adorno and the Life of Art”
48, 4 (2017)
Writ Large
- Krishan Kumar and Herbert F. Tucker, “Introduction”
- Martin Jay, “‘Hey! What’s the Big Idea?’ Ruminations on the Question of Scale in Intellectual History”
- Caroline Levine, “Model Thinking: Generalization, Political Form, and the Common Good”
- Ayesha Ramachandran, “How to Theorize the ‘World’: An Early Modern Manifesto”
- Chris Hann, “Making Sense of Eurasia: Reflections on Max Weber and Jack Goody”
- Lauren M. E. Goodlad, “Bigger Love”
- Rafael Alvarado and Paul Humphreys, “Big Data, Thick Mediation, and Representational Opacity”
- Mark Algee-Hewitt, “Distributed Character: Quantitative Models of the English Stage, 1550-1900”
- Darrin McMahon, “Afterword: Why Big, Why Now?”
48, 3 (2017)
Summer 2017
For Example
- Simon Goldhill, “The Limits of the Case Study: Exemplarity and the Reception of Classical Literature”
- Paul Fleming, “Tragedy, for Example: Distant Reading and Exemplary Reading (Moretti)”
- Eric Hayot, “What Happens to Literature if People Are Artworks?”
- Joshua Foa Dienstag, “The Example of History and the History of Examples in Political Theory”
- Nicholas Paige, “Examples, Samples, Signs: An Artifactual View of Fictionality in the French Novel, 1681-1830”
- Helen Small, “Speech Beyond Toleration: On Carlyle and Moral Controversialism Now”
- Baidik Bhattacharya, “Reading Rancière: Literature at the Limit of World Literature”
- Laura Zebuhr, “Sound Enchantment: The Case of Henry David Thoreau”
48, 2 (2017)
Spring 2017
Aesthetics Now
- Charles Shepherdson, “Aesthetic “Sense” in Kant and Nancy”
- Sam Rose, “The Fear of Aesthetics in Art and Literary Theory”
- Robert S. Lehman, “Formalism, Mere Form, and Judgment”
- John Michael, “Lyric History: Temporality, Rhetoric, and the Ethics of Poetry”
- Brian Boyd, “Does Austen Need Narrators? Does Anyone?”
- Ruth Bernard Yeazell, “Henry James’s Portrait-Envy”
- Sarah L. Townsend, “The Drama of Peripheralized Bildung: An Irish Genre Study”
- Sean Gaston, “Derrida and the Problem of History 1964-1965”
- Zachary Samalin, “Plumbing the Depths, Scouring the Surface: Henry Mayhew’s Scavenger Hermeneutics”
48, 1 (2017)
Winter 2017
- Saikat Majumdar, “The Critic as Amateur”
- Aarthi Vadde, “Amateur Creativity: Contemporary Literature and the Digital Publishing Scene”
- Frances Guerin, “The Ambiguity of Amateur Photography in Modern Warfare”
- Carolyn Abbate, “Overlooking the Ephemeral”
- Herbert F. Tucker, “After Magic: Modern Charm in History, Theory, and Practice”
- Christopher Catanese, “Refinement and Romantic Genre”
- Ulf Schulenberg, “Marxism, Pragmatism, and Narrative”
- Nicholas Carr, “Symbol and Allegory in Romantic History”
47, 4 (2016)
Autumn 2016
Style, Form, Formalism
- David James, “Critical Solace”
- Nicholas Gaskill, “The Close and the Concrete: Aesthetic Formalism in Context”
- Anastasia Eccles, “Formalism and Sentimentalism: Viktor Shklovsky and Laurence Sterne”
- Ben Highmore, “Taste as Feeling”
- Christopher Grobe, “On Book: The Performance of Reading”
- Bryony Randall, “A Day’s Time: The One-Day Novel and the Temporality of the Everyday”
- William Cook Miller, “Enlivened Generalities: Truism in Mill and Dewey”
47, 2-3 (2016)
Recomposing the Humanities—with Bruno Latour
Edited by Stephen Muecke and Rita Felski
- Rita Felski, “Introduction”
- Stephen Muecke, “An Ecology of Institutions: Recomposing the Humanities”
- Graham Harman, “Demodernizing the Humanities with Latour”
- Steven Connor, “Decomposing the Humanities”
- Antoine Hennion, “From ANT to Pragmatism: A Journey with Bruno Latour at the CSI”
- Yves Citton, “Fictional Attachments and Literary Weavings in the Anthropocene”
- Barbara Herrnstein Smith, “Anthropotheology: Latour Speaking Religiously”
- Michael Witmore, “Latour, the Digital Humanities, and the Divided Kingdom of Knowledge”
- Dipesh Chakrabarty, “Humanities in the Anthropocene: The Crisis of an Enduring Kantian Fable”
- Nigel Thrift, “The University of Life”
- Patrice Maniglier, “Art as Fiction: Can Latour’s Ontology of Art be Ratified by Art Lovers? (An Exercise in Anthropological Diplomacy)”
- Francis Halsall, “Actor-Network Aesthetics: The Conceptual Rhymes of Bruno Latour and Contemporary Art”
- Bruno Latour, “Life among Conceptual Characters”
47, 1 (2016)
Climate, Species, The Anthropocene
- Benjamin Morgan, “After the Arctic Sublime”
- Shital Pravinchandra, “One Species, Same Difference? Postcolonial Critique and the Concept of Life”
- Aaron R. Hanlon, “Margaret Cavendish’s Anthropocene Worlds”
- Richard Rorty, “Getting Rid of the Appearance-Reality Distinction”
- John Frow, “Reading with Guns: Institutions of Interpretation and District of Columbia v. Heller”
- Winfried Fluck, “Philosophical Premises in Literary and Cultural Theory: Narratives of Self-Alienation”
- Tania Modleski, “Remastering the Master: Hitchcock after Feminism”
- Daniel Yacavone, “Film and the Phenomenology of Art: Reappraising Merleau-Ponty on Cinema as Form, Medium, and Expression
- Marco Caracciolo, “Cognitive Literary Studies and the Status of Interpretation: An Attempt at Conceptual Mapping”
46, 4 (2015)
Edited by Jahan Ramazani and Herbert F. Tucker
- Jahan Ramazani and Herbert F. Tucker, “Introduction”
- Lawrence Kramer, “Song as Paraphrase”
- Emma Dillon, “Unwriting Medieval Song”
- Joseph S. C. Lam, “Ci Songs from the Song Dynasty: A Ménage à Trois of Lyrics, Music, and Performance”
- Bonnie Gordon, “It’s Not About the Cut: The Castrato’s Instrumentalized Song”
- Elizabeth Helsinger, “Poem Into Song”
- Andrew Peart, “‘The Abstract Pathos of Song’: Carl Sandburg, John Lomax, and the Modernist Revival of Folksong”
- T. Austin Graham, “Songs of the Century”
- Charles O. Hartman, “Dylan’s Bridges”
- Catherine M. Appert, “To Make Song without Singing: Hip Hop and Popular Music in Senegal”
- Shana Goldin-Perschbacher, “TransAmericana: Gender, Genre, and Journey”
- Sangita Gopal, “The Audible Past, or What Remains of the Song-Sequence in New Bollywood Cinema”
- Eric Lott, “Songs Are Like Tattoos: A Response”
46, 3 (2015)
Beyond Bourdieu and Other Essays
- Georgina Born, “Making Time: Temporality, History, and the Cultural Object”
- Bernard Lahire, “Literature is Not Just a Battlefield”
- Caroline van Eck, “Works of Art That Refuse to Behave: Agency, Excess, and Material Presence in Canova and Manet”
- Richard Shusterman, “Pierre Bourdieu and Pragmatist Aesthetics: Between Practice and Experience”
- Jahan Ramazani, “Poetry and Tourism in a Global Age”
- Yohei Igarashi, “Statistical Analysis at the Birth of Close Reading”
- Scott Selisker, “The Bechdel Test and the Social Form of Character Networks”
- W. Scott Blanchard, “Forms of Power, Forms of Life: Agamben’s Franciscan Turn”
- Alexander Freer, “Rhythm as Coping”
46, 2 (2015)
Feminist Investigations and Other Essays
- “Introduction”
- Toril Moi, “Thinking Through Examples: What Ordinary Language Philosophy Can Do for Feminist Theory”
- Sandra Laugier, “The Ethics of Care as a Politics of the Ordinary”
- Sarah Beckwith, “Are There any Women in Shakespeare’s Plays? Fiction, Representation, and Reality in Feminist Criticism”
- Linda M. G. Zerilli, “The Turn to Affect and the Problem of Judgment”
- Alice Crary, “Feminist Thought and Rational Authority: Getting Things in Perspective”
- Jonas Grethlein, “Aesthetic Experiences, Ancient and Modern”
- Robert J. Meyer-Lee, “Toward a Theory and Practice of Literary Valuing”
46, 1 (2015)
Winter 2015
Narrative as Remedy
- Adriana Cavarero, “Narrative against Destruction”
- Laura Bieger, “No Place Like Home; or Dwelling in Narrative”
- Bruno Latour, “Charles Péguy: Time, Space, and le Monde Moderne”
- Andrew Piper, “Novel Devotions: Conversional Reading, Computation Modeling, and the Modern Novel”
- Richard Kearney, “What is Carnal Hermeneutics?”
- James Ramsey Wallen, “What Is an Unfinished Work?”
- Jeremy Rosen, “An Insatiable Market for Minor Characters: Genre in the Contemporary Literary Marketplace”
- Brent Dawson, “Making Sense of the World: Allegory, Globalization, and The Faerie Queene”
45, 4 (2014)
Political Theory
- Davide Panagia, “A Theory of Aspects: Media Participation and Political Theory”
- George Shulman, “A Flight from the Real? American Literature and Political Theory”
- Georgia Warnke, “Hermeneutics and Social Identity”
- Sandra M. Gustafson, “Equality as Singularity: Rethinking Literature and Democracy”
- Peter Uwe Hohendahl, “The Specter of Power: Literature and the Political Revisited”
- Julia Reinhard Lupton, “Judging Forgiveness: Hannah Arendt, W. H. Auden, and The Winter’s Tale”
- Paul Jaussen, “Speaking and Making: Arendt, Stevens, and the Poetics of Public Discourse”
- Steve Light, “Pedagogical and Philosophico-Political Abdication: Agamben and Žižek”
- Jill Jarvis, “Remnants of Muslims: Reading Agamben’s Silence”
45, 3 (2014)
Summer 2014
- Pheng Cheah, “World against Globe: Toward a Normative Conception of World Literature”
- Ian Hunter, “Hayden White’s Philosophical History”
- Andrew Goldstone and Ted Underwood, “The Quiet Transformations of Literary Studies: What Thirteen Thousand Scholars Could Tell Us”
- Astrid Erll, “Generation in Literary History: Three Constellations of Generationality, Genealogy, and Memory”
- Steven Goldsmith, “Almost Gone: Rembrandt and the Ends of Materialism”
- Linda Martín Alcoff, “Sexual Violations and the Question of Experience”
- Evan Horowitz, “Literary Invisibility”
- Barry Sheils, “Poetry in the Modern State: The Example of W.B. Yeats’s ‘Late Style’ and ‘New Fanaticism’”
- Rossen Ventzislavov, “Singing Nonsense”
45, 2 (2014)
Interpretation and Its Rivals
- David Scott, “The Temporality of Generations: Dialogue, Tradition, Criticism”
- Steven Connor, “Spelling Things Out”
- N. Katherine Hayles, “Cognition Everywhere: The Rise of the Cognitive Nonconscious and the Costs of Consciousness”
- T. J. Clark, “Poussin’s Sacrament of Marriage: An Interpretation”
- Susan Stewart, “On ED’s 754/764”
- Antoine Compagnon, “The Resistance to Interpretation”
- Zhang Longxi, “‘The Pale Cast of Thought’: On the Dilemma of Thinking and Action”
45, 1 (2014)
Winter 2014
Ecology, Agency, Entanglement
- Bruno Latour, “Agency at the Time of the Anthropocene”
- Ian Hodder, “The Entanglements of Humans and Things: A Long-Term View”
- Graham Harman, “Entanglement and Relation: A Response to Bruno Latour and Ian Hodder”
- Dora Zhang, “Naming the Indescribable: Woolf, Russell, James, and the Limits of the Description”
- Günter Leypoldt, “Singularity and the Literary Market”
- Hanna Meretoja, “Narrative and Human Existence: Ontology, Epistemology, and Ethics”
- Joshua Gass, “Moll Flanders and the Bastard Birth of Realist Character”
- Ben Parker, “Recognition or Reification?: Capitalist Crisis and Subjectivity in Little Dorrit”
44, 4 (2013)
- Rita Felski, Introduction
- Michael S. Roth, “Pragmatic Liberal Education”
- Helen Small, “Fully Accountable”
- Terry Eagleton, “Bodies, Artworks, and Use Values”
- Brian Boyd, “Arts, Humanities, Sciences, Uses”
- Elizabeth Fowler, “Art and Orientation”
- R. M. Berry, “Wittgenstein’s Use”
- Jim Collins, “The Use Values of Narrativity in Digital Cultures”
- Nancy Easterlin, “The Functions of Literature and the Evolution of Extended Mind”
44, 3 (2013)
Summer 2013
Styles of Criticism
- Michael Chaouli, “Criticism and Style”
- Andrew H. Miller, “Implicative Criticism, or The Display of Thinking”
- Timothy Yu, “Wittgenstein, Pedagogy, and Literary Criticism”
- Pascale Casanova, “What is Dominant Language? Giacomo Leopardi: Theoretician of Linguistic Inequality”
- Jerome McGann, “American Memory in Black Elk Speaks”
- J. E. Elliott, “The Social Structure of English in the Text of Theory”
- Thomas H. Ford, “Poetry’s Media”
- Cynthia Turner Camp, “Spatial Memory, Historiographic Fantasy, and the Touch of the Past in St. Erkenwald”
- Jesper Gulddal, “Narratives of Resentment: Notes towards a Literary History of European Anti-Americanism”
44, 2 (2013)
The French Issue: New Perspectives on Reading from France
- Philippe Roger, “Introduction: Five French Critics”
- Marielle Macé, “Ways of Reading, Modes of Being”
- Pierre Bayard, “Anticipatory Plagiarism”
- François Cusset, “Unthinkable Readers: The Political Blindspot of French Literature”
- Jean-Marie Schaeffer, “Literary Studies and Literary Experience”
- Yves Citton, “Reading Literature and the Political Ecology of Gestures in the Age of Semiocapitalism”
- Toril Moi, “Afterword: How the French Read”
44, 1 (2013)
Winter 2013
- Nikolas Kompridis, “Recognition and Receptivity: Forms of Normative Response in the Lives of the Animals We Are”
- James Simpson, “Cognition is Recognition: Literary Knowledge and Textual ‘Face’”
- Winfried Fluck, “Reading for Recognition”
- Aleida Assmann, “Civilizing Societies:Recognition and Respect in a Global World”
- Jeffrey Knapp, “Mass Entertainment Before Mass Entertainment”
- Patrick Fessenbecker, “In Defense of Paraphrase”
- Joseph North, “What’s ‘New Critical’ about ‘Close Reading’? I. A. Richards and His New Critical Reception”
- Kuei-fen Chiu, “Cosmopolitanism and Indigenism: The Uses of Cultural Authenticity in an Age of Flows”
- James Lee, “Ethopoiesis: Foucault’s Late Ethics and the Sublime Body”
43, 4 (2012)
A New Europe?
- Rita Felski, “Introduction”
- Karl Heinz Bohrer, “‘Europe’ as Utopia: Causes of Its Decline”
- Ann Rigney, “Transforming Memory and the European Project”
- Chantal Mouffe, “An Agonistic Approach to the Future of Europe”
- Ulrich Beck, “The European Crisis in the Context of Cosmopolitization”
- Nilüfer Göle, “Decentering Europe, Recentering Islam”
- Michel Wieviorka, “A Critique of Europe”
- Thomas Elsaesser, “European Cinema and the Postheroic Narrative: Jean-Luc Nancy, Claire Denis and Beau Travail”
- Anca Parvulescu, “Old Europe, New Europe, Eastern Europe: Reflections on a Minor Character in Fassbinder’s Ali, Fear Eats the Soul”
43, 3 (2012)
In the Mood
- Rita Felski and Susan Fraiman, “Introduction”
- René Rosfort and Giovanni Stanghellini, “In the Mood for Thought: Feeling and Thinking in Philosophy”
- Lars Svendsen, “Moods and the Meaning of Philosophy”
- Richard Shusterman, “Thought in the Strenuous Mood: Pragmatism as a Philosophy of Feeling”
- Carl Plantinga, “Art Moods and Human Moods in Narrative Cinema”
- John Rhym, “Towards a Phenomenology of Cinematic Mood: Boredom and the Affect of Time in Antonioni’s L’eclisse”
- Jonathan Flatley, “How A Revolutionary Counter-Mood Is Made”
- Clare Hemmings, “In The Mood For Revolution: Emma Goldman’s Passion”
- Ellis Hanson, “The Languorous Critic”
- Jane Gallop, “Precocious Jouissance: Roland Barthes, Amatory Maladjustment, and Emotion”
43, 2 (2012)
Spring 2012
Object-Oriented Literary Criticism
- Graham Harman, “The Well Wrought Broken Hammer: Object Oriented Literary Criticism”
- Timothy Morton, “An Object-Oriented Defense of Poetry”
- Jane Bennett, “Systems and Things: A Response to Graham Harman and Timothy Morton”
- Nicholas Hengen Fox, “A Habermasian Literary Criticism”
- Diego Rossello, “Hobbes and the Wolf-Man: Melancholy and Animality in Modern Sovereignty”
- Sara Landreth, “Breaking the Laws of Motion: Pneumatology and Belles Lettres in Eighteenth-Century Britain”
The State of Postcolonial Studies Continued
- Bill Bell, “Signs Taken for Wonders: An Anecdote Taken from History”
Responses to Dipesh Chakrabarty and Robert JC Young
- Simon During, “Empire’s Present”
- Benita Parry, “What is Left in Postcolonial Studies?”
- Ato Quayson, “The Sighs of History: Postcolonial Debris and the Question of (Literary) History”
- Robert Stam and Ella Shohat, “Whence and Whither Postcolonial Theory?”
43, 1 (2012)
Winter 2012
The State of Postcolonial Studies
- Dipesh Chakrabarty, “Postcolonial Studies and the Challenge of Climate Change”
- Robert JC Young, “Postcolonial Remains”
- Henry Staten, “The Origin of the Work of Art in Material Practice”
- Charles Altieri, “What Theory can Learn from New Directions in Contemporary American Poetry”
- Shoshana Benjamin, “On the Distinctiveness of Poetic Language”
- Rachel Sagner Buurma and Laura Heffernan, “The Common Reader and the Archival Classroom: Disciplinary History for the Twenty-First Century”
- Sinéad Garrigan Mattar, “Yeats, Fairies, and the New Animism”
- Hannah Freed-Thall, “‘Prestige of a Momentary Diamond’: Economies of Distinction in Proust”
42, 4 (2011)
Edited by Rita Felski and Herbert F. Tucker
- Herbert F. Tucker, “Introduction”
- Martin Jay, “Historical Explanation and the Event: Reflections on the Limits of
Contextualization” - Rita Felski, “‘Context Stinks!’”
- Bruce Holsinger, “‘Historical Context’ in Historical Context: Surface, Depth, and the Making of the Text”
- Jonathan Gil Harris, “Four Exoskeletons and No Funeral”
- Michael Bristol, “Macbeth the Philosopher: Rethinking Context”
- Michael Levenson, “Novelty, Modernity, Adjacency”
- Derek Attridge, “Context, Idioculture, Invention”
- Claire Colebrook, “The Context of Humanism”
- David Greetham, “Context and the ‘Impossibility’ Trope”
- Eric Hayot, “Against Periodization; or, On Institutional Time”
42, 3 (2011)
Summer 2011
The State of American Studies
- Winfried Fluck, “A New Beginning? Transnationalisms”
- Robyn Wiegman, “The Ends of New Americanism”
- John Michael, “Transnational American Studies or, Tainted Love”
- Ingo Berensmeyer, “Cultural Ecology and Chinese Hamlets”
- Tzachi Zamir, “Talking Trees”
- Kendall Walton, “Thoughtwriting—in Poetry and Music”
- Zachary Sayre Schiffman, “Historicizing History/Contextualizing Context”
- Sean Gaston, “Derrida and the End of the World”
- Bernadette Guthrie, “Invoking Derrida: Authorship, Readership, and the Specter of Presence in Film and Print”
- Dries Vrijders “History, Poetry, and the Footnote: Cleanth Brooks and Kenneth Burke on Keats’s ‘Ode on a Grecian Urn’”
42, 2 (2011)
Edited by Rita Felski
- Rita Felski, “Introduction”
- Amanda Anderson, “Character and Ideology: The Case of Cold War Liberalism”
- Sara Ahmed, “Willful Parts: Problem Characters or the Problem of Character”
- Julian Murphet, “The Mole and the Multiple: A Chiasmus of Character”
- Murray Smith, “On the Twofoldness of Character”
- Suzanne Keen, “Readers’ Temperaments and Fictional Character”
- Catherine Gallagher, “What Would Napoleon Do? Historical, Fictional, and Counterfactual Characters”
- Paisley Livingstone and Andrea Sauchelli, “Philosophical Perspectives on Fictional Characters”
42, 1 (2011)
Winter 2011
- Alan Liu, “Friending the Past: The Sense of History and Social Computing”
- Peter Uwe Hohendahl, “A Precarious Balance: Adorno and German Classicism”
Doing Without Art
- Steven Connor, “Doing Without Art”
- Ellen Dissanayake, “Doing Without the Ideology of Art”
- Charles Altieri, “Where Can Aesthetics Go?”
Cluster on Reading
- Paul B. Armstrong, “In Defense of Reading: Or, Why Reading Still Matters in a Contextualist Age”
- Peter Schwenger, “The Obbligato Effect”
- John Lurz, “Sleeping with Proust: Reading, Sensation and the Books of the Recherche”
- Hsuan L. Hsu, “Fatal Contiguities: Metonymy and Environmental Justice”
- Elizabeth Susan Anker, “Elizabeth Costello, Embodiment, and the Limits of Rights”
- Nicholas Robinette, “The World Laid Waste: Herder, Language-Labor, Empire”
41, 4 (2010)
What Is an Avant-Garde?
- Jonathan P. Eburne and Rita Felski, “Introduction”
- Peter Bürger, “Avant-Garde and Neo-Avant-Garde: An Attempt to Answer Certain Critics of Theory of the Avant-garde”
- John Roberts, “Revolutionary Pathos, Negation, and the Suspensive Avant-Garde”
- Elizabeth Harney, “Postcolonial Agitations: Avant-Gardism in Dakar and London”
- Mike Sell, “Resisting the Question, ‘What Is an Avant-Garde?’”
- Benjamin Lee, “Avant-Garde Poetry as Subcultural Practice: Mailer and Di Prima’s Hipsters”
- Griselda Pollock, “Moments and Temporalities of the Avant-Garde ‘in, of, and from the feminine’”
- Amy J. Elias, “Psychogeography, Détournement, Cyberspace”
- Philippe Sers, “The Radical Avant-Garde and the Contemporary Avant-Garde”
- Walter L. Adamson, “How Avant-Gardes End—and Begin: Italian Futurism in Historical Perspective”
- Bob Perelman, “My Avant-Garde Card”
- Richard Schechner, “The Conservative Avant-Garde”
- Martin Puchner, “It’s Not Over (’Til It’s Over)”
41, 3 (2010)
Summer 2010
Edited by Rita Felski
- Bruno Latour, “An Attempt at a ‘Compositionist Manifesto’”
- Ian Hunter, “Scenes from the History of Poststructuralism: Davos, Freiburg, Baltimore, Leipzig”
- Robert Pippin, “Philosophical Film: Trapped by Oneself in Jacques Tourneur’s Out of the Past”
- Krishan Kumar, “The Ends of Utopia”
- Shira Wolosky, “Relational Aesthetics and Feminist Poetics”
- Rupert Read, “Wittgenstein’s Philosophical Investigations as a War Book”
- James Phillips, “Wordsworth and the Fraternity of Joy”
- Nergis Erturk, “Those Outside the Scene: Snow in the World Republic of Letters”
- Angus Fletcher and Michael Benveniste, “Defending Pluralism: The Chicago School and the Case of Tom Jones”
- Patrick Redding, “Whitman Unbound: Democracy and Poetic Form, 1912-1931”
41, 2 (2010)
New Sociologies of Literature
Edited by James English and Rita Felski
- James F. English, “Everywhere and Nowhere: The Sociology of Literature After ‘the Sociology of Literature’”
- John Frow, “On Midlevel Concepts”
- Tony Bennett, “Sociology, Aesthetics, Expertise”
- Timothy Brennan, “Running and Dodging: The Rhetoric of Doubleness in Contemporary Theory”
- David J. Alworth, “Supermarket Sociology”
- Mark McGurl, “Ordinary Doom: Literary Studies in the Waste Land of the Present”
- Shai M. Dromi and Eva Illouz, “Recovering Morality: Pragmatic Sociology and Literary Studies”
- Heather Love, “Close but not Deep: Literary Ethics and the Descriptive Turn”
- Elaine Freedgood, “Fictional Settlements: Footnotes, Metalepsis, the Colonial Effect”
- Ato Quayson, “Kòbòlò Poetics: Urban Transcripts and their Reading Publics in Africa”
- Michèle Richman, “Bernard Lahire and ‘The Double Life of Writers’”
- Bernard Lahire, “The Double Life of Writers”
41, 1 (2010)
Winter 2010
Edited by Rita Felski
- Rita Felski, Editorial Statement
- Bonnie Honig, “Antigone’s Two Laws: Greek Tragedy and the Politics of Humanism”
- Karl Heinz Bohrer “The Tragic: A Question of Art, not Philosophy of History”
- Joseph Carroll, “Three Scenarios for Literary Darwinism”
- Richard Shusterman, “Pragmatism and Cultural Politics: From Rortian Textualism to Somaesthetics”
- Kristin Ross, “Parisian Noir”
- Evan Horowitz, “London: Capital of the Nineteenth Century”
- Tzachi Zamir, “The Theatricalization of Love”
- Christopher Peterson, “The Aping Apes of Poe and Wright: Race, Animality, and Mimicry in ‘The Murders in the Rue Morgue’ and Native Son”
- T. Austin Graham, “The Slaveries of Sex, Race, and Mind: Harriet Beecher Stowe’s Lady Byron Vindicated”
- Elizabeth Freudenthal, “Anti-Interiority: Compulsivness, Objectification, and Identity in Infinite Jest”
- Teckyoung Kwon, “The Materiality of Remembering: Freud’s Wolf Man and the Biological Dimensions of Memory
40, 4 (2009)
Tribute to Ralph Cohen
Edited by Rita Felski and Herbert F. Tucker
- Rita Felski and Herbert F. Tucker, Introduction
- John T. Casteen III, Ralph Cohen and New Literary History
- Jeffrey L. Williams, The Rise of the Theory Journal
- Jonathan Arac, Reckoning with New Literary History
- David Bleich, New Academic History
- Clifford Siskin, Re-mediating Ralph
- Gordon Hutner, The Lessons of the Editor
- Wang Ning, Ralph Cohen, New Literary History, and Literary Studies in China
- Hélène Cixous, Tribute to Ralph Cohen
- Alastair Fowler, The Title Justified
- Martha Nussbaum, Ralph Cohen and the Dialogue between Philosophy and Literature
- Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, New Literary History: Pages from a Memoir
- Brian Stock, Reflections on Ancient Narrative and Ethics
- Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht, From a Close Distance: Ralph Cohen’s Presence
- Mary Poovey, Memories of Ralph Cohen, Generic and Otherwise
- Toril Moi, “They practice their trades in different worlds”: Concepts in Poststructuralism and Ordinary Language Philosophy
- Jerome McGann, Literary History and Editorial Method: Poe and Antebellum America
- Gary Saul Morson, Return to Process: The Unfolding of The Idiot
- Hayden White, Reflections on “Gendre” in the Discourses of History
- Jonathan Culler, Lyric, History, and Genre
- Frances Ferguson, Ralph Cohen: Analyst of the Literary Field
- John L. Rowlett, A Guide to Receiving Ralph Cohen
- Jeffrey L. Williams, History and Change: An Interview with Ralph Cohen
40, 3 (2009)
- Rita Felski and Susan Stanford Friedman, Introduction
- R. Radhakrishnan, Why Compare?
- Robert Stam and Ella Shohat, Transnationalizing Comparison: The Uses and Abuses of Cross-
Cultural Analogy - Ania Loomba, Race and the Possibilities of Comparative Critique
- Pheng Cheah, The Material World of Comparison
- Bruce Robbins, Chomsky’s Golden Rule: Comparison and Cosmopolitanism
- Rebecca L. Walkowitz, Comparison Literature
- Mary N. Layoun, Endings and Beginnings: Reimagining the Tasks and Spaces of Comparison
- Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, Rethinking Comparativism
- Richard Handler, The Uses of Incommensurability in Anthropology
- Caroline B. Brettell, Anthropology, Migration, and Comparative Consciousness
40, 2 (2009)
India and the West
Edited by Ralph Cohen and R. S. Khare
- R. S. Khare, Changing India-West Cultural Dialectics
- Jonardon Ganeri, Intellectual India: Reason, Identity, Dissent
- Sanjay Krishnan, The Place of India in Postcolonial Studies: Chatterjee, Chakrabarty, Spivak
- Vinay Lal, Gandhi’s West, the West’s Gandhi
- Sudesh Mishra, News from the Crypt: India, Modernity, and the West
- Arun P. Mukherjee, B. R. Ambedkar, John Dewey, and the Meaning of Democracy
- Vyjayanthi Rao, Embracing Urbanism: The City as Archive
- Vijay Mishra, Rushdie-Wushdie: Salman Rushdie’s Hobson-Jobson
- Faisal Devji, The Mutiny to Come
- Martha Nussbaum, Commentary